There are several unique features of my blog that I would like to draw attention to. The picture captioned "Ho Chi Minh City skyline" is in fact the skyline of my temporary urban residence while in Vietnam. This blog's "favicon" (the little image displayed in/near the address bar) is the flag of Vietnam, referred to in the native tongue as Cờ đỏ sao vàng. This phrase literally translates to "red flag with a yellow star"; the red background is shared with many other communist nations and the yellow star symbolizes the citizens' quest for unity through socialism. The sidebar on the right side of the page includes relevant links and a link to my Blogger profile (which doesn't have much information). Lastly I have included a weather gadget that displays a small visual of the city along with the current time and temperature. The visual is quite intricate and changes depending on the time of day. The time difference is +12 hours normally, but due to daylight savings time the current difference is +11 hours.
I hope you enjoy reading my travel journal and learning about Vietnam, I am excited to have this opportunity and I plan to make the most of it.